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Top 5 List Of Best Comedians In Tanzania 2024.

 The growth of Science and Technology has made it very easy to access many things that were difficult before. 

 Through the Internet, many people are self-employed and their lives are going. The Internet has led us to know many people that we never thought we would know. 

 One of the jobs available online is acting, creating online content such as youtube, instagram, tiktok, facebook and other networks.

 When it comes to getting paid online, YouTube is the leader in having the most self-employed users to earn an income. 

 where some are making music, some are actors, some are comedians and many others. . 

 YouTube has hired many people, especially in Africa. Now today I want us to look at the famous comedians in Tanzania that we know through YouTube. 

 This list is organized based on their good performance in the work.

Despite the fact that the competition is great in the comedy industry in Tanzania, there are comedians who maintain their positions in the performance of their work.

 Let's go and find out the best comedians at the moment who are doing well in Tanzania.

1. CLAM VEVO. This is the Comedian who is currently ruling Tanzania due to his unique style of acting and high creativity in his works. 

 CLAM CRIS or CLAM VEVO, he started as a Comedian but after getting great success he decided to do a serious movie where he was well received with open arms in his first movie. 

Tazama historia ya maisha yake hapa.bonyeza hapa chini.

 This gave Clam the desire to do more movies than comedy and that is why until now it has reached the stage, he is compared to the famous actor in Tanzania, STEVEN KANUMBA who died in 2012. 

He has become the favorite of many because through his work he has managed to gather fans from different countries in Africa and even out of Africa. 

 For example Kenya, Burundi, Congo, Malawi, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Uganda and many other countries, leading to him being the Comedian with the most fans in Tanzania.

2. STEVEN MOSES. This is the one who leads by breaking the ribs of many people with laughter due to his type of comedy. He is funny even when he is serious. 

 Steve has been in the comedy industry for a long time as he started being funny since 2018 when he released his first video. Despite making people laugh enough to make people love his work, Steve also sings. 

Tazama historia ya maisha ya STEVE MWEUSI hapa bonyeza hapa.

 He has released several songs that have given him great success that he never expected to get. 

 Currently, Steve ranks second in the list of the best comedians in Tanzania. he has many fans even outside Tanzania.

3. KICHECHE MAKOTI. He came very fast when he started to be known. The year 2023 was a very good year for him because it was a very successful year.

 Despite his works being viewed by many people on YouTube, he also managed to do a Tour in different countries in East Africa due to his fans needing him to go.

 He started doing a Tour in Burundi, then he went to Congo and later he returned to Tanzania before going to Kenya.

Tazama historia ya maisha ya kicheche hapa

 He is famous for his various sayings that make people laugh and make him able to get many fans who follow his works. 

 Now he is doing a serious movie like other comedians who after finding themselves in comedy start doing a serious movie. 

 He ranks 3rd in the list of the most popular comedians, although in 2023 he was in second place, but now he has been preceded by black Steve who has become Unstoppable.

4. NDARO_MJESHI. Many people came to know Ndaro through the STAND UP COMEDY Show, where Ndaro emerged as the winner of the competition in 2021 and became famous for being one of the funniest people. 

 His expressions are what made him more famous and until now when you are talking about big comedians you can't stop mentioning him.

 He is currently working with STEVEN MOSES, where every comedy by Steve is a must see.

 they have created a combination that enhances their work and leads to their work being admired by many people. 

 He ranks 4th in the list of the best comedians in Tanzania.

5. TXDULLAH. It's like he's not mentioned much in people's mouths but his work is the one that speaks the most. 

 As with his colleague NDARO_MJESHI, we started getting to know him through CHEKA TU. (STAND UP COMEDY) . 

 And he is one of the best comedians currently in Tanza6, who despite being funny, also sings and acts in serious movies.

These are the top 5 comedians currently in Tanzania who have many fans and are followed by many people. Do you agree with this list? 

 If you have a different opinion or you think it's wrong, give us a list of the best comedians, in the comment section Below.